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Archived_Webinar New Course PrEP Aware Week 2024: Meet the Ambassadors & Learn about the Social Media Toolkit - Archive

Course Description:

Is your agency interested in being involved in PrEP Aware Week 2024? This 60-minute archived webinar will provide an overview of the newly developed PrEP Aware Week 2024 campaign materials, including an accompanying Social Media Toolkit. Participants will be introduced to the PrEP Aware Week ambassadors, a group of 8 diverse PrEP advocates from around the state. This archived webinar will provide an opportunity for agencies and stakeholders to learn how to utilize free social media products to promote PrEP Aware Week.

Training Objectives:

As a result of this 60-minute training, participants will be able to:

  1. Learn the names and PrEP stories of 8 PrEP Aware Week campaign ambassadors from around the state;
  2. Identify how to participate in PrEP Aware Week 2024 using the newly developed AIDS Institute PrEP Social Media Toolkit;
  3. Ask questions about the PrEP Aware Week 2024 campaign and how to make the best use of the campaign materials.

Intended Audience:

AIDS Institute funded programs, local health departments, hospitals, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders.

Prerequisite: None

Format: Webinar

For more information about this curriculum, contact:

HIV Education and Training Programs

New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute

Corning Tower, Room 244

Empire State Plaza

Albany, New York 12237-0658


Course Description:

Is your agency interested in being involved in PrEP Aware Week 2024? This 60-minute archived webinar will provide an overview of the newly developed PrEP Aware Week 2024 campaign materials, including an accompanying Social Media Toolkit. Participants will be introduced to the PrEP Aware Week ambassadors, a group of 8 diverse PrEP advocates from around the state. This archived webinar will provide an opportunity for agencies and stakeholders to learn how to utilize free social media products to promote PrEP Aware Week.

Training Objectives:

As a result of this 60-minute training, participants will be able to:

  1. Learn the names and PrEP stories of 8 PrEP Aware Week campaign ambassadors from around the state;
  2. Identify how to participate in PrEP Aware Week 2024 using the newly developed AIDS Institute PrEP Social Media Toolkit;
  3. Ask questions about the PrEP Aware Week 2024 campaign and how to make the best use of the campaign materials.

Intended Audience:

AIDS Institute funded programs, local health departments, hospitals, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders.

Prerequisite: None

Format: Webinar

For more information about this curriculum, contact:

HIV Education and Training Programs

New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute

Corning Tower, Room 244

Empire State Plaza

Albany, New York 12237-0658


Online Training New Course Overdose Response Training

You can reverse an overdose if you know what to do and you act in time. Whether you use drugs, love someone who does, or just care about the people in your community, it’s important to be prepared if you encounter someone who is overdosing. This training is for anyone who may be with or encounter a person that is experiencing an overdose.

By the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • List the signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose
  • Demonstrate how to administer naloxone
  • Identify the steps to follow when encountering an opioid overdose
  • Identify options for obtaining naloxone
  • Identify resources for further training

This training should take 15 minutes to complete. 


**After completing the course, please participate in this survey to assist us in enhancing the quality of the program**


Intended Audience: The practical training is for a wide variety of audiences including: clinical or non-clinical staff, people in active use of substances and their loved ones, as well as general community members.

You can reverse an overdose if you know what to do and you act in time. Whether you use drugs, love someone who does, or just care about the people in your community, it’s important to be prepared if you encounter someone who is overdosing. This training is for anyone who may be with or encounter a person that is experiencing an overdose.

By the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • List the signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose
  • Demonstrate how to administer naloxone
  • Identify the steps to follow when encountering an opioid overdose
  • Identify options for obtaining naloxone
  • Identify resources for further training

This training should take 15 minutes to complete. 


**After completing the course, please participate in this survey to assist us in enhancing the quality of the program**


Intended Audience: The practical training is for a wide variety of audiences including: clinical or non-clinical staff, people in active use of substances and their loved ones, as well as general community members.

Online Training Medication for Opioid Use Disorder in Corrections: The Evidence Base

This online training is the first course in a series. It contains four modules and sets the stage for the evidence base of integrating Medication to Treat Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in corrections.  It covers the epidemiology of the national and state opioid crisis and summarizes the latest data for those diagnosed with an OUD entering the criminal justice system.  This course serves as a primer for the science of Substance Use Disorder and Opioid Use Disorder, “SUD/OUD” and the FDA-approved medications for treating OUD.  It offers an emphasis on the evidence base for providing MOUD in the correctional setting and dispels misperceptions of OUD and MOUD.   The training is self-paced. Progress is automatically saved and learners may exit and return as desired. It takes approximately 60 minutes to complete all modules. At the end of the training, you're invited to complete a brief evaluation survey and your feedback will help us improve the future offering of this training. 


By the end of this self-paced online training, you will be able to: 

  • Identify the scope of SUD/OUD at the national and state level  
  • Describe the prevalence of SUD/OUD in correctional settings 
  • Name and compare the 3 FDA approved medications that can be used for treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD)  
  • Distinguish between the fact and myth of MOUD 
  • Describe the evidence base rationale for provide MOUD in corrections 


Audience:? The intended audience for this course includes Social Workers, Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselors (CASACs), Correctional Officers, other non-physician health and human services providers; peer educators; and staff directly involved with MOUD programming in the corrections setting. 

This online training is the first course in a series. It contains four modules and sets the stage for the evidence base of integrating Medication to Treat Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in corrections.  It covers the epidemiology of the national and state opioid crisis and summarizes the latest data for those diagnosed with an OUD entering the criminal justice system.  This course serves as a primer for the science of Substance Use Disorder and Opioid Use Disorder, “SUD/OUD” and the FDA-approved medications for treating OUD.  It offers an emphasis on the evidence base for providing MOUD in the correctional setting and dispels misperceptions of OUD and MOUD.   The training is self-paced. Progress is automatically saved and learners may exit and return as desired. It takes approximately 60 minutes to complete all modules. At the end of the training, you're invited to complete a brief evaluation survey and your feedback will help us improve the future offering of this training. 


By the end of this self-paced online training, you will be able to: 

  • Identify the scope of SUD/OUD at the national and state level  
  • Describe the prevalence of SUD/OUD in correctional settings 
  • Name and compare the 3 FDA approved medications that can be used for treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD)  
  • Distinguish between the fact and myth of MOUD 
  • Describe the evidence base rationale for provide MOUD in corrections 


Audience:? The intended audience for this course includes Social Workers, Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselors (CASACs), Correctional Officers, other non-physician health and human services providers; peer educators; and staff directly involved with MOUD programming in the corrections setting. 

Online Training Addressing the Stigma of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in Corrections

Addressing the Stigma of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in Corrections 

Intended Audience: The intended audience includes social workers, CASACs, Correctional leadership, Correctional Officers, Nurses, Correctional Health Staff and other staff directly involved with Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) programming. 

This 15-minute quick learn focuses on the importance of addressing stigma within corrections and provides a framework for understanding stigma related to substance use disorders (SUD) and the role language plays in reducing stigma.  This course takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. 


By the end of this self-paced online training, you will be able to: 

  • Describe types and impact of stigma related to SUD 
  • Compare myths and facts of MOUD 
  • Identify how language can impact and address stigma 


Prerequisite: None

Addressing the Stigma of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in Corrections 

Intended Audience: The intended audience includes social workers, CASACs, Correctional leadership, Correctional Officers, Nurses, Correctional Health Staff and other staff directly involved with Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) programming. 

This 15-minute quick learn focuses on the importance of addressing stigma within corrections and provides a framework for understanding stigma related to substance use disorders (SUD) and the role language plays in reducing stigma.  This course takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. 


By the end of this self-paced online training, you will be able to: 

  • Describe types and impact of stigma related to SUD 
  • Compare myths and facts of MOUD 
  • Identify how language can impact and address stigma 


Prerequisite: None

Online Training HIV Testing in NYS: On-line Training

This 20-30 minute, interactive on-line training will review the requirements for HIV testing as outlined in NYS Public Health Law and regulation.  

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Meet the requirements of public health law to offer HIV testing as a routine part of health care to all patients age 13 and older.
  • Recall the healthcare settings and clinical providers impacted by the law.
  • Recall that individuals should be informed of HIV testing and have the right to decline the test. 
  • Recall that there is no requirement to obtain consent in writing or orally for HIV testing.
  • Recall the key points about HIV testing that must be provided before conducting an HIV test.
  • Be familiar with resources for interpreting HIV test results.
  • Describe the process for providing an HIV negative result.
  • Recall follow-up actions for patients newly diagnosed as living with HIV, including case reporting responsibilities and the requirement of arranging for follow-up HIV care, with patient's consent.
  • Recall the confidential nature of HIV testing and the use of NYS approved forms for disclosure of HIV-related information.

Audience: All clinical providers and community-based providers who offer HIV testing

Prerequisite: None

This 20-30 minute, interactive on-line training will review the requirements for HIV testing as outlined in NYS Public Health Law and regulation.  

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Meet the requirements of public health law to offer HIV testing as a routine part of health care to all patients age 13 and older.
  • Recall the healthcare settings and clinical providers impacted by the law.
  • Recall that individuals should be informed of HIV testing and have the right to decline the test. 
  • Recall that there is no requirement to obtain consent in writing or orally for HIV testing.
  • Recall the key points about HIV testing that must be provided before conducting an HIV test.
  • Be familiar with resources for interpreting HIV test results.
  • Describe the process for providing an HIV negative result.
  • Recall follow-up actions for patients newly diagnosed as living with HIV, including case reporting responsibilities and the requirement of arranging for follow-up HIV care, with patient's consent.
  • Recall the confidential nature of HIV testing and the use of NYS approved forms for disclosure of HIV-related information.

Audience: All clinical providers and community-based providers who offer HIV testing

Prerequisite: None

Archived_Webinar Benefits Counseling Pilot Project (BCPP) Archive

This session will introduce participants to the AIDS Institutes’ Benefits Counseling Pilot Project (BCPP).   Created in 2020, the BCPP provides critical information and guidance for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) who are on public benefits and are currently working, considering a return or looking for employment. The BCPP funds nine agencies across New York State to educate PLWHs on how wages impact their public benefits.  Benefits Counselors are credentialed through WIP-C (Cornell) with continually updated expertise to support PLWH as they make important decisions related to work and their benefit programs, such as SSI, SSDI, SNAP, Medicaid, Medicare and more.  The course reviews eligibility criteria and how to access services.

Length: 20 minutes

Intended Audience: PLWHA, HIV providers, health or human services professionals, case managers, health homes care managers, peers  or anyone working with PLWHAs considering or looking for employment and want more information on how wages impact public benefits. 

This session will introduce participants to the AIDS Institutes’ Benefits Counseling Pilot Project (BCPP).   Created in 2020, the BCPP provides critical information and guidance for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) who are on public benefits and are currently working, considering a return or looking for employment. The BCPP funds nine agencies across New York State to educate PLWHs on how wages impact their public benefits.  Benefits Counselors are credentialed through WIP-C (Cornell) with continually updated expertise to support PLWH as they make important decisions related to work and their benefit programs, such as SSI, SSDI, SNAP, Medicaid, Medicare and more.  The course reviews eligibility criteria and how to access services.

Length: 20 minutes

Intended Audience: PLWHA, HIV providers, health or human services professionals, case managers, health homes care managers, peers  or anyone working with PLWHAs considering or looking for employment and want more information on how wages impact public benefits. 

Archived_Webinar Integrating NYS Certified Peer Workers into the Health Home Care Team - Archive


This session will provide an overview of the NYS Peer Certification Program in HIV, HCV and Harm Reduction and will share a successful program model for integrating peer workers into the health home care team. 


By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Recall evidence that demonstrates that the inclusion of a peer worker on the care team can improve health outcomes for people living with HIV;
  2. Recall key facts about the NYS Peer Certification program in HIV, HCV and Harm Reduction, including peer worker areas of work, competencies, requirements for training and practicum;
  3. Identify elements of a successful model for integrating peer workers on the health home care team;
  4. Recall resources for recruiting certified peer workers.   


This session will provide an overview of the NYS Peer Certification Program in HIV, HCV and Harm Reduction and will share a successful program model for integrating peer workers into the health home care team. 


By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Recall evidence that demonstrates that the inclusion of a peer worker on the care team can improve health outcomes for people living with HIV;
  2. Recall key facts about the NYS Peer Certification program in HIV, HCV and Harm Reduction, including peer worker areas of work, competencies, requirements for training and practicum;
  3. Identify elements of a successful model for integrating peer workers on the health home care team;
  4. Recall resources for recruiting certified peer workers.   
Archived_Webinar Landing the Job:Resume & Interviewing Skills for Peer Workers - Archive

Landing the Job: Resume Development and Interviewing Skills for Certified Peer Workers
Course Description:
This one-hour archived webinar will provide NYS Certified Peer Workers, and individuals seeking certification, with the basic skills to land your dream job.  You’ve found the perfect job opportunity- now what? Topics to be covered include: creating and tailoring a resume and cover letter, completing an application, interview tips and professional wisdom to get you hired.
As a result of this one-hour webinar, participants will be able to:
• Write an effective application and resume, tailored to the requirements of the position
• Identify the difference between a resume and a cover letter, and create a cover letter that complements your resume
• Navigate an interview in professional manner to wow employers and set yourself apart
• Respond to questions about gaps in employment
• Address barriers to employment such as having a criminal record
• Identify supportive professional and personal references
• Recall best practices for follow-up after an interview
• Offer the necessary documentation for the first day of employment
• Locate additional vocational services to assist with job search and obtaining employment.

Target Audience:  NYS Certified Peer Workers in HIV, HCV, HR, as well as individuals seeking certification
Pre-Requisite: N/A

Landing the Job: Resume Development and Interviewing Skills for Certified Peer Workers
Course Description:
This one-hour archived webinar will provide NYS Certified Peer Workers, and individuals seeking certification, with the basic skills to land your dream job.  You’ve found the perfect job opportunity- now what? Topics to be covered include: creating and tailoring a resume and cover letter, completing an application, interview tips and professional wisdom to get you hired.
As a result of this one-hour webinar, participants will be able to:
• Write an effective application and resume, tailored to the requirements of the position
• Identify the difference between a resume and a cover letter, and create a cover letter that complements your resume
• Navigate an interview in professional manner to wow employers and set yourself apart
• Respond to questions about gaps in employment
• Address barriers to employment such as having a criminal record
• Identify supportive professional and personal references
• Recall best practices for follow-up after an interview
• Offer the necessary documentation for the first day of employment
• Locate additional vocational services to assist with job search and obtaining employment.

Target Audience:  NYS Certified Peer Workers in HIV, HCV, HR, as well as individuals seeking certification
Pre-Requisite: N/A

Archived_Webinar Updates to HIV Testing Procedures: A Review of New Regulations - Archive


This one-hour archived webinar will review the latest updates to state regulation guiding HIV testing. 

Topics covered include:

  1. The requirement to offer HIV testing as a routine part of health care to all patients age 13 and older;
  2. The removal of the requirement to obtain written or oral informed consent for HIV testing:
  3. The requirement to inform patients of HIV testing and the right of a patient to decline an HIV test;
  4. Updated key points of information that must be provided prior to an HIV test;
  5. Documentation requirements;
  6. Approaches to offering routine HIV testing in the context of a busy health care practice

    Intended audience:

    Managers and staff responsible for offering HIV testing services in health care and community based settings


This one-hour archived webinar will review the latest updates to state regulation guiding HIV testing. 

Topics covered include:

  1. The requirement to offer HIV testing as a routine part of health care to all patients age 13 and older;
  2. The removal of the requirement to obtain written or oral informed consent for HIV testing:
  3. The requirement to inform patients of HIV testing and the right of a patient to decline an HIV test;
  4. Updated key points of information that must be provided prior to an HIV test;
  5. Documentation requirements;
  6. Approaches to offering routine HIV testing in the context of a busy health care practice

    Intended audience:

    Managers and staff responsible for offering HIV testing services in health care and community based settings

Archived_Webinar Understanding the Scope and Limits of Data Sharing to Promote Linkage to Care - Archive

This one-hour webinar will review the latest developments in state regulation as they pertain to sharing of patient-specific information for the purpose of linkage and retention in HIV care.

Topics to be covered will include:

  1. How regulations that expand data sharing will support NY’s effort to end the AIDS epidemic by the end of 2020;
  2. Who may request information from the NYS and NYC HIV surveillance systems for the purpose of promoting linkage and retention in HIV care;
  3. What information may be shared;
  4. How to submit a request for information and situations that warrant an urgent request;


Intended audience:

Mangers and staff from health care facilities, care coordination entities and community based organizations involved in providing services to people living with HIV.

This one-hour webinar will review the latest developments in state regulation as they pertain to sharing of patient-specific information for the purpose of linkage and retention in HIV care.

Topics to be covered will include:

  1. How regulations that expand data sharing will support NY’s effort to end the AIDS epidemic by the end of 2020;
  2. Who may request information from the NYS and NYC HIV surveillance systems for the purpose of promoting linkage and retention in HIV care;
  3. What information may be shared;
  4. How to submit a request for information and situations that warrant an urgent request;


Intended audience:

Mangers and staff from health care facilities, care coordination entities and community based organizations involved in providing services to people living with HIV.

Archived_Webinar Webinar: NYS HIV, HCV, HR Certified Peer Workers Eligible for College Credits Through Empire State College - Archive

This webinar will provide information about Empire State College's provision of credits for Peer Workers who complete NYS HIV, HCV, HR Peer Worker Certification.

After viewing this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Review information related to Empire State College's provision of credits for the NYS HIV, HCV, HR Peer Worker Certification program;
  • Recall how one becomes matriculated to obtain Empire State College Credits;
  • Review the evaluation process to understand how one's courses translate to a degree plan; and
  • Review sample degree plans to understand potential and appropriate degree programs to further one's education and career path.

This webinar will provide information about Empire State College's provision of credits for Peer Workers who complete NYS HIV, HCV, HR Peer Worker Certification.

After viewing this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Review information related to Empire State College's provision of credits for the NYS HIV, HCV, HR Peer Worker Certification program;
  • Recall how one becomes matriculated to obtain Empire State College Credits;
  • Review the evaluation process to understand how one's courses translate to a degree plan; and
  • Review sample degree plans to understand potential and appropriate degree programs to further one's education and career path.
Live_Webinar Harm Reduction Services Documentation for Medicaid

Course Description:

This half hour training provides participants with an overview of the Harm Reduction Services available through Medicaid, and how to properly document these services.


As a result of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the five Harm Reduction Services covered by NYS Medicaid
  • Describe commonly provided SEP Services that are not billable to Medicaid
  • Create documentation, include Plans of Care and Individual and Group Progress Notes that meet Medicaid documentation standards
  • Understand unit billing as it applies to HRS


Audience: Staff and Peer Workers working at NYSDOH Authorized Syringe Exchange Programs.

Course Description:

This half hour training provides participants with an overview of the Harm Reduction Services available through Medicaid, and how to properly document these services.


As a result of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the five Harm Reduction Services covered by NYS Medicaid
  • Describe commonly provided SEP Services that are not billable to Medicaid
  • Create documentation, include Plans of Care and Individual and Group Progress Notes that meet Medicaid documentation standards
  • Understand unit billing as it applies to HRS


Audience: Staff and Peer Workers working at NYSDOH Authorized Syringe Exchange Programs.

Archived_Webinar NYS Peer Worker Certification - Process, Requirements & Starting Your Application - Archive

This one and a half hour webinar will review the requirements for NYS certification of Peer Workers and provide a step-by step walk through of the process for submitting an application for certification.

By the end of this webcast, participants will be able to:

  1. State at least three benefits of Peer Certification
  2. State the three tracks for AIDS Institute Peer Worker Certification (HIV, HCV, Harm Reduction) and who is eligible to apply for certification
  3. Recall the purpose of foundational training for Peer Workers and the option of completing a personal statement in lieu of foundational training
  4. Identify the core and specialized training requirements for AIDS Institute Peer Worker certification
  5. Recall the requirement for signing and uploading the required Code Of Ethics attestation
  6. Recall the requirement for completing a practicum or work experience and uploading a satisfactory supervisor evaluation
  7. Recall the requirement for passing a knowledge test and state basic features of the testing process
  8. Navigate the on-line application system to begin the process of submitting an application for certification

Intended Audience:

Peer workers interested in pursuing AIDS Institute certification, supervisors of Peer Workers, and interested others.


This one and a half hour webinar will review the requirements for NYS certification of Peer Workers and provide a step-by step walk through of the process for submitting an application for certification.

By the end of this webcast, participants will be able to:

  1. State at least three benefits of Peer Certification
  2. State the three tracks for AIDS Institute Peer Worker Certification (HIV, HCV, Harm Reduction) and who is eligible to apply for certification
  3. Recall the purpose of foundational training for Peer Workers and the option of completing a personal statement in lieu of foundational training
  4. Identify the core and specialized training requirements for AIDS Institute Peer Worker certification
  5. Recall the requirement for signing and uploading the required Code Of Ethics attestation
  6. Recall the requirement for completing a practicum or work experience and uploading a satisfactory supervisor evaluation
  7. Recall the requirement for passing a knowledge test and state basic features of the testing process
  8. Navigate the on-line application system to begin the process of submitting an application for certification

Intended Audience:

Peer workers interested in pursuing AIDS Institute certification, supervisors of Peer Workers, and interested others.

Online Training Part I: NYS DOH Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program Limited Service Laboratory Requirement Series

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part I: What is required prior to submission of an initial limited service laboratory registration application?

During this segment, we will discuss considerations and requirements prior to submission of an initial single or multi-network limited service laboratory registration application including, but not limited to, testing program oversight, policies & protocols, testing area, and testing considerations.

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part I: What is required prior to submission of an initial limited service laboratory registration application?

During this segment, we will discuss considerations and requirements prior to submission of an initial single or multi-network limited service laboratory registration application including, but not limited to, testing program oversight, policies & protocols, testing area, and testing considerations.

Online Training Part II: NYS DOH Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program Limited Service Laboratory Requirement Series

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part II: Considerations and requirements before, during, and after testing

During this segment, we will discuss considerations and requirements before, during, and after testing.  These considerations and requirements must be in place prior to submission of an initial single or multi-network limited service laboratory registration application.

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part II: Considerations and requirements before, during, and after testing

During this segment, we will discuss considerations and requirements before, during, and after testing.  These considerations and requirements must be in place prior to submission of an initial single or multi-network limited service laboratory registration application.

Online Training Part III: NYS DOH Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program Limited Service Laboratory Requirement Series

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part III: Initial limited service laboratory registration

During this segment, we will discuss the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program requirements and how to complete an Initial Limited Service Laboratory Registration Application for facilities performing CLIA-waived tests. 

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part III: Initial limited service laboratory registration

During this segment, we will discuss the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program requirements and how to complete an Initial Limited Service Laboratory Registration Application for facilities performing CLIA-waived tests. 

Online Training Part IV: NYS DOH Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program Limited Service Laboratory Requirement Series

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part IV: Multi-network limited service laboratory registration

During this segment, we will discuss the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program requirements and how to complete the Limited Service Laboratory Multi-Network Registration Application for facilities performing CLIA-waived tests at multiple locations as defined by the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program. 

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part IV: Multi-network limited service laboratory registration

During this segment, we will discuss the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program requirements and how to complete the Limited Service Laboratory Multi-Network Registration Application for facilities performing CLIA-waived tests at multiple locations as defined by the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program. 

Online Training Part V: NYS DOH Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program Limited Service Laboratory Requirement Series

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part V: Considerations for Rapid HIV Testing

During this segment, we will discuss additional considerations and requirements for Rapid HIV Testing beyond the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratory registration certificate.

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part V: Considerations for Rapid HIV Testing

During this segment, we will discuss additional considerations and requirements for Rapid HIV Testing beyond the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratory registration certificate.

Online Training Part VI: NYS DOH Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program Limited Service Laboratory Requirement Series

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part VI: Considerations for Rapid Hepatitis C Testing

During this segment, we will discuss additional considerations and requirements for Rapid Hepatitis C Testing beyond the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratory registration certificate.

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part VI: Considerations for Rapid Hepatitis C Testing

During this segment, we will discuss additional considerations and requirements for Rapid Hepatitis C Testing beyond the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratory registration certificate.

Online Training Part VII: NYS DOH Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program Limited Service Laboratory Requirement Series

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part VII: Limited services laboratory registration re-application

During this segment, we will discuss the process for re-application to renew a limited service laboratory registration certificate. 

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part VII: Limited services laboratory registration re-application

During this segment, we will discuss the process for re-application to renew a limited service laboratory registration certificate. 

Online Training Part VIII: NYS DOH Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program Limited Service Laboratory Requirement Series

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part VIII: Changing a limited services laboratory registration certificate

During this segment, we will discuss what document changes are required to be submitted to the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program.  We will detail how to document changes in limited service laboratory registration status and how to add and/or delete tests.

This eight-part video series provides an overview of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program limited service laboratories and discusses in detail requirements for obtaining, reapplying, and updating a registration certificate for facilities performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing. The videos are applicable to individuals who serve as, or seek to serve as, lab directors, managers or leadership staff involved in planning or implementing a limited service laboratory, including individuals from facilities implementing or currently performing CLIA-waived testing including rapid HIV and HCV testing.  Limited Service Laboratories include hospital extension clinics, hospital owned physician practices, nursing homes, home health care agencies, school/student health services, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, county health departments, correctional facilities, ambulance/rescue squads and other direct patient care facilities performing only waived and/or provider-performed microscopy procedures.

CLEP Series Part VIII: Changing a limited services laboratory registration certificate

During this segment, we will discuss what document changes are required to be submitted to the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program.  We will detail how to document changes in limited service laboratory registration status and how to add and/or delete tests.

Archived_Webinar Using Health Literacy Strategies to Improve Patient Materials - Archive

Course Description: The use of written materials is an important component of effective patient education. Although the average adult in the United States reads at an eighth-grade level, most patient materials, including educational materials, registration forms, informed consent forms, or patient letters are written on a high-school or college reading level.  This 2 hour webinar will teach participants about what constitutes a health literate material and will build skills that enable participants to identify and create health literate patient materials. At completion of this webinar, participants will be able to assess and re-design their organization’s health materials.

As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
• List the elements that constitute a health literate material
• Develop skills to analyze and assess various health materials
• Learn about the role of meta-messages in health materials
• Identify available material evaluation tools and resources

Prerequisite: There is no prerequisite for this training.  

Target Audience:  This webinar is intended for staff who prepare written materials such as brochures, patient communications, etc.

Course Description: The use of written materials is an important component of effective patient education. Although the average adult in the United States reads at an eighth-grade level, most patient materials, including educational materials, registration forms, informed consent forms, or patient letters are written on a high-school or college reading level.  This 2 hour webinar will teach participants about what constitutes a health literate material and will build skills that enable participants to identify and create health literate patient materials. At completion of this webinar, participants will be able to assess and re-design their organization’s health materials.

As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
• List the elements that constitute a health literate material
• Develop skills to analyze and assess various health materials
• Learn about the role of meta-messages in health materials
• Identify available material evaluation tools and resources

Prerequisite: There is no prerequisite for this training.  

Target Audience:  This webinar is intended for staff who prepare written materials such as brochures, patient communications, etc.

Online Training Updating the HIV Diagnostic Testing Algorithm - Online Learning

This 15-minute online training presents the HIV diagnostic testing algorithm which was updated in 2013 as a result of improvements in HIV testing technologies.


As a result of this training, participants will be able to:

  1. List the steps in the updated multi-test laboratory algorithm
  2. Define the different tests at each step in the updated algorithm
  3. Describe the rationale for updating the HIV diagnostic testing algorithm
  4. Correctly interpret reported results
  5. Explain the meaning of test results in a manner patients/ clients can understand

Target Audience: Health care and support service providers who discuss or offer HIV testing

Prerequisites: Completion of a basic training in HIV such as the Online Overview of HIV Infection and AIDS

This 15-minute online training presents the HIV diagnostic testing algorithm which was updated in 2013 as a result of improvements in HIV testing technologies.


As a result of this training, participants will be able to:

  1. List the steps in the updated multi-test laboratory algorithm
  2. Define the different tests at each step in the updated algorithm
  3. Describe the rationale for updating the HIV diagnostic testing algorithm
  4. Correctly interpret reported results
  5. Explain the meaning of test results in a manner patients/ clients can understand

Target Audience: Health care and support service providers who discuss or offer HIV testing

Prerequisites: Completion of a basic training in HIV such as the Online Overview of HIV Infection and AIDS

Online Training Webcast: Hepatitis C Testing: Overview of New York State Law

Hepatitis C Testing for People Born Between 1945 and 1965: Overview of New York State Law

In October of 2013, Governor Cuomo signed a public health law that requires primary care providers and certain health care settings to make a one-time offer of voluntary hepatitis C screening to all patients born between 1945 and 1965.  This law, which went into effect on January 1st, 2014, is consistent with the CDC’s “Recommendations for the Identification of Chronic Hepatitis C virus infection Among Persons Born During 1945-1965.  The New York State law applies to 1) physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners providing primary care, 2) primary care services delivered in the outpatient department of a hospital or freestanding diagnostic and treatment center, and 3) in-patient hospital services.

This 40-minute webcast will:

  1. Identify the clinical rationale for one-time routine voluntary screening for hepatitis C for all persons born between 1945 and 1965;
  2. Describe the key provisions of the law including settings and providers impacted by the law;
  3. Provide an overview of the new CDC hepatitis C testing algorithm;
  4. Describe health care provider responsibility for reporting cases of acute and chronic hepatitis C;
  5. Describe New York State resources for the care and treatment of persons with chronic Hepatitis C infection, and;
  6. Provide answers to frequently asked questions, including: exceptions to the law, issues related to reimbursement for testing, patient consent, and others.

Who Should View this Webcast

The intended audience for the webinar includes those health care providers and health care settings impacted by the law including:

  • Physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners providing primary care
  • Outpatient departments of a hospital offering primary care
  • Freestanding diagnostic and treatment centers offering primary care
  • In-patient hospital programs

Webcast Sponsored by the New York State Department of Health

Hepatitis C Testing for People Born Between 1945 and 1965: Overview of New York State Law

In October of 2013, Governor Cuomo signed a public health law that requires primary care providers and certain health care settings to make a one-time offer of voluntary hepatitis C screening to all patients born between 1945 and 1965.  This law, which went into effect on January 1st, 2014, is consistent with the CDC’s “Recommendations for the Identification of Chronic Hepatitis C virus infection Among Persons Born During 1945-1965.  The New York State law applies to 1) physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners providing primary care, 2) primary care services delivered in the outpatient department of a hospital or freestanding diagnostic and treatment center, and 3) in-patient hospital services.

This 40-minute webcast will:

  1. Identify the clinical rationale for one-time routine voluntary screening for hepatitis C for all persons born between 1945 and 1965;
  2. Describe the key provisions of the law including settings and providers impacted by the law;
  3. Provide an overview of the new CDC hepatitis C testing algorithm;
  4. Describe health care provider responsibility for reporting cases of acute and chronic hepatitis C;
  5. Describe New York State resources for the care and treatment of persons with chronic Hepatitis C infection, and;
  6. Provide answers to frequently asked questions, including: exceptions to the law, issues related to reimbursement for testing, patient consent, and others.

Who Should View this Webcast

The intended audience for the webinar includes those health care providers and health care settings impacted by the law including:

  • Physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners providing primary care
  • Outpatient departments of a hospital offering primary care
  • Freestanding diagnostic and treatment centers offering primary care
  • In-patient hospital programs

Webcast Sponsored by the New York State Department of Health

Online Training Webcast: Implementing Rapid Screening for Hepatitis C

This one-hour webcast will assist program managers and supervisors in planning for the implementation of a Hepatitis C screening program using the new FDA approved OraQuick HCV Rapid Antibody Test. It will review the potential benefits of HCV rapid testing in a community setting, provide a brief overview of the rapid test device and outline the key elements required in a program’s policies and procedures.


By the end of this webcast, participants will be to:

  • Describe the importance of increasing the number of individuals aware of their Hepatitis C (HCV) infection status;
  • Recall key features of the FDA-approved, CLIA-waived HCV rapid test device;
  • List requirements for implementing HCV rapid screening in a community-based site; and
  • Determine if they are eligible to receive free HCV rapid test kits from the NYSDOH.


Prerequisite: None


Audience: This webinar is intended for program managers and supervisors planning to expand services to include Hepatitis C rapid screening.

**PLEASE NOTE: **Individuals intending to conduct rapid Hepatitis C screening are strongly encourages to enroll in the one-day Integrating screening for HCV and HIV in-person course.

This one-hour webcast will assist program managers and supervisors in planning for the implementation of a Hepatitis C screening program using the new FDA approved OraQuick HCV Rapid Antibody Test. It will review the potential benefits of HCV rapid testing in a community setting, provide a brief overview of the rapid test device and outline the key elements required in a program’s policies and procedures.


By the end of this webcast, participants will be to:

  • Describe the importance of increasing the number of individuals aware of their Hepatitis C (HCV) infection status;
  • Recall key features of the FDA-approved, CLIA-waived HCV rapid test device;
  • List requirements for implementing HCV rapid screening in a community-based site; and
  • Determine if they are eligible to receive free HCV rapid test kits from the NYSDOH.


Prerequisite: None


Audience: This webinar is intended for program managers and supervisors planning to expand services to include Hepatitis C rapid screening.

**PLEASE NOTE: **Individuals intending to conduct rapid Hepatitis C screening are strongly encourages to enroll in the one-day Integrating screening for HCV and HIV in-person course.

Online Training Voices of Faith Part I: Faith Communities' Response to HIV/AIDS

These 5 brief video segments feature faith leaders from many traditions. The purpose of these videos is to share information about how faith communities are addressing HIV prevention, support and care efforts with their congregations and communities. Below is the listing of the various video segments.


Video #1: Rev. Dr. James Forbes pastor of Riverside Church in Manhattan provides an historical overview of the HIV epidemic, including why and how faith community leaders have responded. (5:45 min)



Video #2: Faith community leaders from many traditions explain why they have moved to address HIV/AIDS in their congregations. (4:01 min)


Video # 3: Greek Orthodox monk, Fr. Jonathan Cossey shares his spiritual journey which includes dealing with stigma and discrimination after learning that he is living with HIV/AIDS. (5:45 min)


Video #4: African American and Latino faith leaders from different traditions provide a rich discussion of how faith communities can offer HIV prevention information, establish health ministries, facilitate HIV testing and help the community face HIV/AIDS in a mature and loving manner. (17 min)


Video #5: Venerable T.K. Nakagati describes two principle teachings of Buddhism, wisdom, and compassion, and discusses how to put these teachings to work in addressing HIV/AIDS. (5:49min)


These 5 brief video segments feature faith leaders from many traditions. The purpose of these videos is to share information about how faith communities are addressing HIV prevention, support and care efforts with their congregations and communities. Below is the listing of the various video segments.


Video #1: Rev. Dr. James Forbes pastor of Riverside Church in Manhattan provides an historical overview of the HIV epidemic, including why and how faith community leaders have responded. (5:45 min)



Video #2: Faith community leaders from many traditions explain why they have moved to address HIV/AIDS in their congregations. (4:01 min)


Video # 3: Greek Orthodox monk, Fr. Jonathan Cossey shares his spiritual journey which includes dealing with stigma and discrimination after learning that he is living with HIV/AIDS. (5:45 min)


Video #4: African American and Latino faith leaders from different traditions provide a rich discussion of how faith communities can offer HIV prevention information, establish health ministries, facilitate HIV testing and help the community face HIV/AIDS in a mature and loving manner. (17 min)


Video #5: Venerable T.K. Nakagati describes two principle teachings of Buddhism, wisdom, and compassion, and discusses how to put these teachings to work in addressing HIV/AIDS. (5:49min)


Online Training Voices of Faith Part II: Faith Communities Response to HIV/AIDS

These 5 brief video segments are the second half in Voices of Faith, featuring faith leaders from many traditions. The purpose of these videos is to share information about how faith communities are addressing HIV prevention, support and care efforts with their congregations and communities. Below is the listing of the various video segments.


Video #6: Reverend Robert Perelli talks about his many years at AIDS Family Services in Buffalo and provides insight about what it takes to compassionately "stand beside" people living with HIV and their families.


Video #7: Rabbis discuss the importance of providing HIV prevention information to their congregations, including and interview with Rabbi Ayelet Cohen, Associate Rabbi at Beth Simchat Torah, NY's largest synagogue serving the Jewish gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community.


Video #8:Three leaders in NY's Muslim community discuss how they have responded to HIV/AIDS.


Video #9: The Beautiful story of how AIDS Care Teams can provide compassionate and meaningful support to HIV/AIDS and their families.


Video #10:Faith community leaders from many traditions discuss how they find the resources they need to address HIV/AIDS prevention.


Video #11:Closing thoughts from several faith leaders and acknowledgement of all those who participated.

These 5 brief video segments are the second half in Voices of Faith, featuring faith leaders from many traditions. The purpose of these videos is to share information about how faith communities are addressing HIV prevention, support and care efforts with their congregations and communities. Below is the listing of the various video segments.


Video #6: Reverend Robert Perelli talks about his many years at AIDS Family Services in Buffalo and provides insight about what it takes to compassionately "stand beside" people living with HIV and their families.


Video #7: Rabbis discuss the importance of providing HIV prevention information to their congregations, including and interview with Rabbi Ayelet Cohen, Associate Rabbi at Beth Simchat Torah, NY's largest synagogue serving the Jewish gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community.


Video #8:Three leaders in NY's Muslim community discuss how they have responded to HIV/AIDS.


Video #9: The Beautiful story of how AIDS Care Teams can provide compassionate and meaningful support to HIV/AIDS and their families.


Video #10:Faith community leaders from many traditions discuss how they find the resources they need to address HIV/AIDS prevention.


Video #11:Closing thoughts from several faith leaders and acknowledgement of all those who participated.

Archived_Webinar Older Adults & Sexual Health Guide - Archive

Older Adults and Sexual Health Guide

This 1 hour PRE-RECORDED webinar will introduce participants to "Older Adults and Sexual Health:  A Guide for Aging Services Providers", which  was developed by ACRIA with support from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) AIDS Institute and in collaboration with the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA).  The guide is intended as a supportive resource for the New York State aging services and HIV services networks to promote sexual health as a part of healthy aging and to provide context around healthy aging and sex.   This guide may encourage providers to create opportunities for older adults to learn about sexual health, similar to nutrition and exercise; to promote wellness; and to prevent disease. 

Older Adults and Sexual Health Guide

This 1 hour PRE-RECORDED webinar will introduce participants to "Older Adults and Sexual Health:  A Guide for Aging Services Providers", which  was developed by ACRIA with support from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) AIDS Institute and in collaboration with the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA).  The guide is intended as a supportive resource for the New York State aging services and HIV services networks to promote sexual health as a part of healthy aging and to provide context around healthy aging and sex.   This guide may encourage providers to create opportunities for older adults to learn about sexual health, similar to nutrition and exercise; to promote wellness; and to prevent disease. 

Archived_Webinar Webinar: HIV and Aging - Archive

HIV and Aging

This webinar is intended for contractors and staff funded by the NYS DOH AI/Bureau of Community Support Services.
The webinar presenters are: Dr. Eugenia Siegler, MD, and  and Dr. Steven Karpiak, PhD.

HIV and Aging

This webinar is intended for contractors and staff funded by the NYS DOH AI/Bureau of Community Support Services.
The webinar presenters are: Dr. Eugenia Siegler, MD, and  and Dr. Steven Karpiak, PhD.

Online Training Dried Blood Spot Collections for HIV and Hepatitis C RNA Testing in New York State

This 45-60 minute self-paced online training will review the requirements for collecting dried blood spot (DBS) samples for HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) RNA testing. The training is specifically intended for staff working in programs that have approval to send the DBS samples to the NYS Wadsworth Center for processing. 

By the end of this online module, you will be able to:

  1. Recall the steps of DBS specimen collection;
  2. State how to ensure DBS specimen integrity;
  3. State the the information that must be listed on the DBS card;
  4. Recall how to complete the Infectious Diseases Requisition (IDR) form;
  5. Identify the steps to package and ship a DBS specimen;
  6. State where to retrieve DBS test results;
  7. Recall and download resources for Communicable Disease Reporting;
  8. Recall the training components required to determine staff competence for DBS testing. 

In addition to this module, you should seek further training on bloodborne pathogens, HCV and HIV, transmission, testing algorithms, interpreting and messaging respective to the test results, harm reduction, linkage to care and treatment. You must be familiar with relevant public health regulations, required consent and messaging as well as your reporting responsibilities.



This training is intended for staff who use dried bloodspot sample collection for HIV or HCV testing that is conducted through the Wadsworth Center. 



None. Consult with your supervisor.

This 45-60 minute self-paced online training will review the requirements for collecting dried blood spot (DBS) samples for HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) RNA testing. The training is specifically intended for staff working in programs that have approval to send the DBS samples to the NYS Wadsworth Center for processing. 

By the end of this online module, you will be able to:

  1. Recall the steps of DBS specimen collection;
  2. State how to ensure DBS specimen integrity;
  3. State the the information that must be listed on the DBS card;
  4. Recall how to complete the Infectious Diseases Requisition (IDR) form;
  5. Identify the steps to package and ship a DBS specimen;
  6. State where to retrieve DBS test results;
  7. Recall and download resources for Communicable Disease Reporting;
  8. Recall the training components required to determine staff competence for DBS testing. 

In addition to this module, you should seek further training on bloodborne pathogens, HCV and HIV, transmission, testing algorithms, interpreting and messaging respective to the test results, harm reduction, linkage to care and treatment. You must be familiar with relevant public health regulations, required consent and messaging as well as your reporting responsibilities.



This training is intended for staff who use dried bloodspot sample collection for HIV or HCV testing that is conducted through the Wadsworth Center. 



None. Consult with your supervisor.

Online Training 2023 Updates to HIV/AIDS Case Reporting

Course Description

This brief 15-minute asynchronous on-line training provides an overview of new developments in HIV/AIDS Case Reporting that went into effect on March 22, 2023.



 By the end of this on-line training you will be able to:

  1. Recall updates to the required timeline for reporting cases of acute HIV infection;
  2. Identify updates to the required timeline for reporting cases of all other initial diagnosis of HIV, HIV illness or AIDS diagnoses;  
  3. Identify the consent and reporting requirements related to HIV testing for insurance underwriting purposes. 


Audience: Health and human services providers involved in HIV testing, diagnosis and case reporting, including individuals who conduct HIV testing for insurance underwriting purposes.   


Prerequisite: Prior attendance at HIV Testing in NYS is strongly suggested.

Course Description

This brief 15-minute asynchronous on-line training provides an overview of new developments in HIV/AIDS Case Reporting that went into effect on March 22, 2023.



 By the end of this on-line training you will be able to:

  1. Recall updates to the required timeline for reporting cases of acute HIV infection;
  2. Identify updates to the required timeline for reporting cases of all other initial diagnosis of HIV, HIV illness or AIDS diagnoses;  
  3. Identify the consent and reporting requirements related to HIV testing for insurance underwriting purposes. 


Audience: Health and human services providers involved in HIV testing, diagnosis and case reporting, including individuals who conduct HIV testing for insurance underwriting purposes.   


Prerequisite: Prior attendance at HIV Testing in NYS is strongly suggested.