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Live_Webinar HIV Epidemiology & LGBTGNC Health

Course Description: This 90-minute webinar will provide a brief introduction to understanding and utilizing public health surveillance and epidemiology through examination of current HIV and LGBTGNC health data in New York State. The role of data in health equity, data integrity, and bias in data will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to apply lessons learned to their own work by examining how to use epidemiological data to inform program services. 


Course Objectives:

As a result of participating in this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe epidemiology and related key terminology. 
  2. Describe three LGBTGNC surveillance highlights in New York State. 
  3. Navigate the NYS ETE dashboard.
  4. Discuss underlying factors that influence data outcomes.
  5. Describe two challenges with using the available data. 
  6. Identify two program service improvement areas for LGBTGNC clients based on HIV data interpretations.

Course Description: This 90-minute webinar will provide a brief introduction to understanding and utilizing public health surveillance and epidemiology through examination of current HIV and LGBTGNC health data in New York State. The role of data in health equity, data integrity, and bias in data will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to apply lessons learned to their own work by examining how to use epidemiological data to inform program services. 


Course Objectives:

As a result of participating in this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe epidemiology and related key terminology. 
  2. Describe three LGBTGNC surveillance highlights in New York State. 
  3. Navigate the NYS ETE dashboard.
  4. Discuss underlying factors that influence data outcomes.
  5. Describe two challenges with using the available data. 
  6. Identify two program service improvement areas for LGBTGNC clients based on HIV data interpretations.
Online Training PrEP Peer Curriculum - Pre-Course Module

Pre-Course Module Description

This 30-45 minute self-paced and interactive pre-learning module will offer a brief overview of the information that will be covered in the virtual “The Role of PrEP Peer Workers in Patient Navigation” training, as well as the New York State PrEP Peer Track.

As a result of this online module, participants will be:

  • Familiar with the course expectations and background
  • Able to recall the NYS AIDS Institute PrEP Peer Worker Competencies related to linkage to PrEP and patient navigation.

It is required that participants complete this pre-learning module prior to attending the virtual “The Role of PrEP Peer Workers in Patient Navigation” training.

Audience:  Peer Workers doing PrEP related work.  

Pre-Course Module Description

This 30-45 minute self-paced and interactive pre-learning module will offer a brief overview of the information that will be covered in the virtual “The Role of PrEP Peer Workers in Patient Navigation” training, as well as the New York State PrEP Peer Track.

As a result of this online module, participants will be:

  • Familiar with the course expectations and background
  • Able to recall the NYS AIDS Institute PrEP Peer Worker Competencies related to linkage to PrEP and patient navigation.

It is required that participants complete this pre-learning module prior to attending the virtual “The Role of PrEP Peer Workers in Patient Navigation” training.

Audience:  Peer Workers doing PrEP related work.  

Live_Webinar Contextualizing YMSM and YMSM of Color: Building Foundations for Care

Description: This 90-minute, interactive webinar will examine the impact of adolescent development on heath-seeking behavior and engagement in health services among young men who have sex with men (YMSM). We will consider the role of language, generational differences in older and younger MSM, and the application of traditional theories of human development to YMSM. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and practice new strategies for working with YMSM clients through a case study.



1. Recognize the developmental tasks faced by adolescents, and the additional and unique challenges faced by YMSM and YMSM of color.

2. Identify unique factors that influence health behaviors of YMSM and YMSM of color.

3. List strategies for engaging YMSM and YMSM of color in healthcare services that consider their developmental status.

Description: This 90-minute, interactive webinar will examine the impact of adolescent development on heath-seeking behavior and engagement in health services among young men who have sex with men (YMSM). We will consider the role of language, generational differences in older and younger MSM, and the application of traditional theories of human development to YMSM. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and practice new strategies for working with YMSM clients through a case study.



1. Recognize the developmental tasks faced by adolescents, and the additional and unique challenges faced by YMSM and YMSM of color.

2. Identify unique factors that influence health behaviors of YMSM and YMSM of color.

3. List strategies for engaging YMSM and YMSM of color in healthcare services that consider their developmental status.

Live_Webinar Webinar: Crystal Meth, MSM, and HIV

The goal of this webinar is to increase knowledge of crystal methamphetamine use among MSM, the effects of meth and other “club drugs” on the body, their connection to HIV and hepatitis, and resources for treatment.


At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:


Identify at least 3 reasons why MSM may use drugs

Identify at least 3 reasons why meth use is prevalent among MSM

Identify 2 venues in which meth is used

Define “club drugs” and their effects

Define stimulants and depressants

Define homeostasis and rebound

List at least 3 characteristics of methamphetamines

State 3 perceived benefits and long-term effects of methamphetamines

Identify at least two resources relevant and accessible to your work

The goal of this webinar is to increase knowledge of crystal methamphetamine use among MSM, the effects of meth and other “club drugs” on the body, their connection to HIV and hepatitis, and resources for treatment.


At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:


Identify at least 3 reasons why MSM may use drugs

Identify at least 3 reasons why meth use is prevalent among MSM

Identify 2 venues in which meth is used

Define “club drugs” and their effects

Define stimulants and depressants

Define homeostasis and rebound

List at least 3 characteristics of methamphetamines

State 3 perceived benefits and long-term effects of methamphetamines

Identify at least two resources relevant and accessible to your work

Live_Webinar Affirming Sex-Positive Sexual Health for LGBTGNC+ Clients

This 2-part webinar will offer participants the opportunity to learn about how to provide sexual health services to LGBTGNC clients in an affirming way. The webinar will review sexual health & sex positivity, client barriers to participating in sexual health services, and frameworks for providing holistic, client-centered services. Participants will take part in discussions and activities to build an understanding of client perspectives and identify client-centered strategies.  A key area of focus will be language and practices that can help providers create an affirming environment for transgender and gender non-conforming clients. Participants will also learn about several sources for continued learning. 

Please note: 

  • It is recommended that participants have basic LGBTQ+ knowledge prior to participating in this webinar. 
  • This is an interactive webinar. Participants should be prepared to actively participate through use of the chat, microphone, and/or video during this webinar.
  • The webinar will begin exactly on-time. Participants who arrive more than 10 minutes after the start-time of the webinar will not be allowed to join.  


  1. List sexual orientations and gender identities that LGBTGNC people may hold
  2. Describe types of sex that LGBTGNC clients may be having
  3. Define key terms related to LGBTGNC clients 
  4. Ask affirming, appropriate sexual-health related questions 
  5. Use gender-neutral and specific language when discussing LGBTGNC sexual health 
  6. Define holistic sexual health and sex positivity 
  7. Describe strategies to make sexual health discussions more comfortable for LGBTGNC clients 
  8. Describe two frameworks for taking a sexual health history
  9. Identify LGBTGNC-specific considerations for providing sexual health education 

This 2-part webinar will offer participants the opportunity to learn about how to provide sexual health services to LGBTGNC clients in an affirming way. The webinar will review sexual health & sex positivity, client barriers to participating in sexual health services, and frameworks for providing holistic, client-centered services. Participants will take part in discussions and activities to build an understanding of client perspectives and identify client-centered strategies.  A key area of focus will be language and practices that can help providers create an affirming environment for transgender and gender non-conforming clients. Participants will also learn about several sources for continued learning. 

Please note: 

  • It is recommended that participants have basic LGBTQ+ knowledge prior to participating in this webinar. 
  • This is an interactive webinar. Participants should be prepared to actively participate through use of the chat, microphone, and/or video during this webinar.
  • The webinar will begin exactly on-time. Participants who arrive more than 10 minutes after the start-time of the webinar will not be allowed to join.  


  1. List sexual orientations and gender identities that LGBTGNC people may hold
  2. Describe types of sex that LGBTGNC clients may be having
  3. Define key terms related to LGBTGNC clients 
  4. Ask affirming, appropriate sexual-health related questions 
  5. Use gender-neutral and specific language when discussing LGBTGNC sexual health 
  6. Define holistic sexual health and sex positivity 
  7. Describe strategies to make sexual health discussions more comfortable for LGBTGNC clients 
  8. Describe two frameworks for taking a sexual health history
  9. Identify LGBTGNC-specific considerations for providing sexual health education 
Live_Webinar Health, Not Harm: Behavior Focused Approaches to Promote Sexual Health

This 90-minute, interactive webinar will provide participants with an overview of sexual health promotion practices (ak.a. “risk reduction”) relevant to LGBTGNC clients. Participants will learn about a variety of behavioral and biomedical options for improving and maintaining sexual health, as well as reducing the chances of transmission of STIs and HIV. Facilitators will also review sexual behaviors that LGBTGNC clients may be engaging in, and review key considerations for maintaining an affirming, sex-positive attitude. 



As a result of attending this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  1. Demonstrate a sex-positive, affirming attitude while working with LGBTGNC clients.
  2. Describe various sexual behaviors that LGBTGNC clients may engage in.
  3. Discuss sexual health promotion behaviors relevant to different types of sex. 


This 90-minute, interactive webinar will provide participants with an overview of sexual health promotion practices (ak.a. “risk reduction”) relevant to LGBTGNC clients. Participants will learn about a variety of behavioral and biomedical options for improving and maintaining sexual health, as well as reducing the chances of transmission of STIs and HIV. Facilitators will also review sexual behaviors that LGBTGNC clients may be engaging in, and review key considerations for maintaining an affirming, sex-positive attitude. 



As a result of attending this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  1. Demonstrate a sex-positive, affirming attitude while working with LGBTGNC clients.
  2. Describe various sexual behaviors that LGBTGNC clients may engage in.
  3. Discuss sexual health promotion behaviors relevant to different types of sex. 


Live_Webinar Recognizing Microaggressions & Providing Stigma-Free Services to LGBTGNC Clients

This 90 minute, single-session will provide participants the opportunity to recognize stigmatizing language including microaggressions that many clients experience when having a sexual health interaction with a focus on LGBTGNC clients in order to improve services and interactions to be stigma-free. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in large group discussions to increase understanding of client perspectives. A key area of focus will be adapting language to improve services for LGBTGNC clients.

Please note: 

  • It is recommended that participants have basic LGBTQ+ knowledge prior to participating in this webinar. 
  • This is an interactive webinar. Participants should be prepared to actively participate through use of the chat, microphone, and/or video during this webinar.
  • The webinar will begin exactly on-time. Participants who arrive more than 10 minutes after the start-time of the webinar will not be allowed to join. 



  1. Define microaggressions
  2. Describe the different types of microaggressions and where they may exist when working with LGBTGNC clients
  3. Utilize strategies that can mitigate microaggressions
  4. Understand what “stigma-free services” means


This 90 minute, single-session will provide participants the opportunity to recognize stigmatizing language including microaggressions that many clients experience when having a sexual health interaction with a focus on LGBTGNC clients in order to improve services and interactions to be stigma-free. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in large group discussions to increase understanding of client perspectives. A key area of focus will be adapting language to improve services for LGBTGNC clients.

Please note: 

  • It is recommended that participants have basic LGBTQ+ knowledge prior to participating in this webinar. 
  • This is an interactive webinar. Participants should be prepared to actively participate through use of the chat, microphone, and/or video during this webinar.
  • The webinar will begin exactly on-time. Participants who arrive more than 10 minutes after the start-time of the webinar will not be allowed to join. 



  1. Define microaggressions
  2. Describe the different types of microaggressions and where they may exist when working with LGBTGNC clients
  3. Utilize strategies that can mitigate microaggressions
  4. Understand what “stigma-free services” means


Live_Webinar Webinar: Sexual Health in Trans and MSM Immigrants

This webinar will discuss the multiple barriers faced by Trans and MSM immigrants in the U.S. when accessing sexual health services and comprehensive care. It will focus on the major legislative, health, and safety concerns among vulnerable populations. The training will provide information on social integration, global LGBTQ+ oppression, stigma/discrimination, and other health care concerns to better assist LGBTQ+ immigrants dealing with compounded traumas: sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, health inequities, and impoverishment. 

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

• List three motivations for undocumented entry by LGBTQ+ people

• Identify problems MSM and Trans immigrants face regarding acculturation, development, and adaptation

• Discuss discrimination and the social norms of immigrants 

• Identify key factors limiting access to sexual health care for MSM and Trans immigrants 

• Describe trauma-informed care for MSM and Trans immigrants

• List ways to advocate for transgender clients

• Practice applying the core objectives with clients 



This webinar will discuss the multiple barriers faced by Trans and MSM immigrants in the U.S. when accessing sexual health services and comprehensive care. It will focus on the major legislative, health, and safety concerns among vulnerable populations. The training will provide information on social integration, global LGBTQ+ oppression, stigma/discrimination, and other health care concerns to better assist LGBTQ+ immigrants dealing with compounded traumas: sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, health inequities, and impoverishment. 

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

• List three motivations for undocumented entry by LGBTQ+ people

• Identify problems MSM and Trans immigrants face regarding acculturation, development, and adaptation

• Discuss discrimination and the social norms of immigrants 

• Identify key factors limiting access to sexual health care for MSM and Trans immigrants 

• Describe trauma-informed care for MSM and Trans immigrants

• List ways to advocate for transgender clients

• Practice applying the core objectives with clients